Technology News

66 stories

[Podcast] Imprints: Lake and archive diving with Atreyee Bhattacharya

[Podcast] GigaWhat: Fuelling startups

Identifying individual mugger crocodiles using drone technology to minimise conflicts

Isotopic technique to record rainfall data can boost monsoon prediction

Deep-sea mining efforts gear up to meet clean energy demands amid concerns

Mumbai activists demand that the tree geo-tagging information be made public

Amid challenges, India announces new climate goals with updated NDCs

What if we designed homes to stay cool?

[Commentary] Latest wetland mapping data underscores the need to step up conservation action

Clean energy startups innovate on products to aid farmers, rural areas

Low-carbon websites to cut emissions

New guidelines proposed to ensure safe use of nanotechnology in agriculture

A social venture on the road to improve lives, reduce emissions with electric rickshaws

Turning agro-waste into environment-friendly plastics

As cloud seeding catches on in times of climate change, more research holds the key

Flood-resistant housing attracts attention in Kerala

Wetlands to wastebins, Mumbai’s diverse habitats house hundreds of bird species

Eyes in the sky: Space technology aiding Meghalaya to expand boro rice cultivation

Apps for animals: Conservation tech’s new frontier

Smartphones to map invasive plants in Tamil Nadu