14 stories

Heatwave takes a toll on north India’s wheat yield

As Lohari village is submerged for a dam, homes, farms and memories are drowned

A twin-state hydropower project could drown livelihoods and biodiversity

Hydropower project nudges a tribal community out of their land in Himachal Pradesh

The ignorance of the Haryana government has cost the Aravallis dearly

Glacier loss pushing India’s mountain region towards water insecurity

In a Himachal village, people accuse a waste management plant for contaminating water

Himachal Pradesh and its recurring face-off with disasters

Rajasthan’s phosphate mines deprive villagers of land, livelihood, health

Kolar Gold fields: From fields of gold to a dust bowl

Rainfall in parts of Karnataka has reduced over decades

Low fish catch along India’s western coast hints at impacts of climate change

How a Karnataka district is rapidly losing lush forest cover

Karnataka government okays rail line in the Western Ghats

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.