13 stories

Plastic-rock hybrids found on the Andaman Islands

A new study reveals critical gaps in stork research; calls for scrutiny of the IUCN Red List data

[Explainer] What are floodplains and how have they been managed in India?

Flying is riskier for female katydids, finds India’s first insect radio telemetry study

How ecotourism in Konkan promotes climate-friendly tourism

Pune’s proposed river rejuvenation project does not consider ecology, hydrogeology, and climate change, say experts

Mahatma hill’s avian diversity shows the importance of conserving the ‘tekdis’ of Pune

Stone mining in Brahmagiri mountains chips away at the Godavari River ecosystem

Maharashtra’s first endemic tree rediscovered after 180 years at Harishchandragad hill

Newly described scorpion species from Western Ghats highlight need for more research and conservation

Community restores grasslands in Lamkani, making the village drought-resilient

Path of destruction: Road to Anjaneri hilltop could threaten fragile rocky outcrop ecosystem

Ecosystems-based adaptation keeps water running in Bhojdari even in dry months

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.