Odisha News

130 stories

Odisha lays out its ‘red carpet’ for tourists, keeping conservation in mind

India to explore if there can be co-development of mining and ecology

Odisha plans to satellite-tag pangolins to study them better

Communities or forest department? Similipal fires rake up debate on ownership of National Park

Floods, cyclones caused maximum deaths by extreme weather events in past 50 years

A community-created mangrove forest protects a village from eroding away

Industries violating coastal zone law can now get away with paying compensation

Odisha forest officer gets UN Award for environment enforcement, gender leadership

Chilika lake records rise in migratory bird numbers, sees new species too

A cluster of villages conserve shy blackbucks in Odisha’s Ganjam

People living near mining activities at increased risk of diseases, says study

Eastern Indian coast erodes faster with rise in human activity

Life and struggles of the sloth bear in human-dominated areas

Odisha, Chhattisgarh try new ways to reduce human-elephant conflict

India’s largest coalfield to expand, green cover under threat

The elongated tortoise battles habitat loss and fire in its leaf litter home

One of the world’s most trafficked animals needs focus outside India’s protected areas

India’s first two ‘Tsunami Ready’ villages

Children sketch human-elephant conflict and coexistence in Odisha

Setback in inter-state tiger relocation as Odisha prepares to return Sundari to MP