Energy News

125 stories

India’s existing policies may achieve 2030 emission targets but emissions will rebound post-2030: IMF

Harnessing clean energy for Tamil Nadu’s spinning mills is not as easy as it seems

[Video] Rooftop solar, an emerging solution to Bihar’s land shortage that’s stalling renewable progress

India’s clean energy goals may widen regional disparities, predicts working paper

India needs to face challenge of funding thermal power plant closure, says new report

Study reveals G20 nations increased fossil fuel investments in 2022, defying climate goals

The potential of mini-grids as a sustainable and economical alternative for global electrification

On a bumpy road to net zero, trucks shift gear to reduce emissions

Odanthurai’s windmill experiment, a pioneering move that had its wind knocked out

Promised rehabilitation eludes residents living near one of India’s earliest coal mines

NTPC should acquire stranded coal power plants rather than build new ones, recommends report

[Interview] Money invested in the solar sector skewed towards China and OECD countries: ISA chief Ajay Mathur

Storing or reusing captured carbon is emerging as tool in energy transition

A centralised power market will help in savings, support green energy producers, hints study

Decentralised solar is transforming rural India, needs an extra push

[Interview] Ajay Kumar Rastogi on leading India’s first just transition task force

Odisha’s solar potential seven times more than MNRE estimates, says study

Rooftop solar extends deadline for target which is not a promising sign say experts

India needs legal framework for closing mines and power plants

Big gaps in green financing could hamper India’s energy transition