Human wildlife conflict News

183 stories

Even amid conflict, nuanced narratives of reverence and empathy for the elephant prevail

Teething troubles or conservation challenges at India’s latest tiger reserve?

Lion-tailed macaques navigate twin hurdles

Fungus, not kodo millet, responsible for Bandhavgarh elephant deaths

Living in fear as tigers leave the woods for the hood

[Commentary] Why black wolves matter

Climate change, habitat loss drive elephants to look for newer pastures 

Operation Bhediya reveals gaps in human-wildlife conflict mitigation

Mugger crocodiles may be physiologically stressed in disturbed habitats

Does size matter? How leopards on forest fringes choose livestock kill

Small cats’ ecology review flags declining conservation status

Wildlife rescue operations in Kashmir face an uphill battle with rising human-wildife conflict

Walls come down to make way for elephants

Deaths in human-animal conflict in Wayanad spark protests and debates

An invasive plant is threatening sloth bear habitats and could increase conflict

Living with wildlife in urban Asia

[Commentary] Pressures on the Thanpattan pastureland threaten biodiversity, pastoral livelihoods

Controlling the population of animals in conflict

Domestication trials in Bihar aim to mitigate farmer-nilgai conflict

Problems maximise for Elephas maximus in Karnataka