Priyanka Shankar

324 stories

A new study reveals critical gaps in stork research; calls for scrutiny of the IUCN Red List data

As temperatures increase, India’s solar sector feels the heat

We didn’t start the fire? Speculations over cause of Goa forest fires continue; state plans recovery

[Explainer] What are floodplains and how have they been managed in India?

Jungle cats adapt to life on a farm

Joshimath residents return to their “unsafe” homes, four months after the sinking crisis

The art and science of elephant whispering

Scientists develop a toolkit to identify high conservation-value areas

Odisha villages claim their rights to use forest products and earn revenue from cashew

Kerala’s water budget, a step towards effective water management

The hidden side of human-elephant conflicts: orphaned calves

Questions arise about Project Cheetah as three cheetahs die in 45 days

Warming water and pollution amplify fish mortality in Kerala during summer

The return of wild boars in Kashmir threatens the hangul habitat and crops

Despite guidelines to control it, fly ash impacts the everyday lives of people in Chhattisgarh

Red listing the Pulicat lagoon may help protect the ecosystem, say researchers

[Explainer] What is mutualism?

Flying is riskier for female katydids, finds India’s first insect radio telemetry study

Nature-based learning programmes improve environment and climate literacy in Chennai

Malnutrition affects the health and productivity of cattle in Chhattisgarh

Finding gondra amid the floods

Study looks at India’s rural work guarantee scheme through a climate lens

[Commentary] The underbelly of the Forest Conservation (Amendment) Bill 2023

Your Environment This Week: Collecting Rhododendrons, spotting a grumpy cat and detecting climatic spells in the Arctic!

Artisanal fishers of Rameswaram resist the polluting shrimp farms on the island

[Interview] Conservationist MK Ranjitsinh Jhala on the need for a grassland policy in India

Ibisbill, the poorly understood Himalayan waterbird faces threats, finds study

Women take the wheel for safer tourism in Satpura Tiger Reserve

Natural farming methods help the ‘climate-smart’ villages of MP brave climate impacts

Community participation helps a Maharashtra village become flood-free after years

[Interview] Ajay Kumar Rastogi on leading India’s first just transition task force

Farmers in Kaziranga demand timely, sufficient compensation for the crop raids by wildlife

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.