Covid 19 News

96 stories

Where is the water to wash my hands?

Olive ridleys day-nest in Odisha after seven years, but no link to lockdown say experts

Deforestation and disease: How natural habitat destruction can fuel zoonotic diseases

Travel the great indoors for a glimpse of your city’s natural world

Slim pickings for strays and pets during COVID-19 lockdown

During lockdown foresters try to balance field work and prevention of disease spread

[Commentary] It is not COVID-19 alone, but also the environment and the economy

[Interview] “Must not target ethnic groups and create prejudice over COVID-19”

Uncertainty looms over climate change and biodiversity talks in 2020

[Commentary] A perilous bundling: global response for COVID-19 and climate action

Caught between floods, protests and a pandemic, ecotourism operators bat for resilience

[Commentary] Crackdown on wet markets and illegal wildlife trade could prevent the next pandemic

Pollution watchdog releases guidelines to handle COVID-19 biomedical waste

Caught between virus outbreaks, Kerala’s model for public healthcare lauded

[Interview] Taking One Health approach to tackle zoonoses crucial for India

COVID-19 may be the watershed to spur action on wildlife trafficking