Kerala News

204 stories

Sacred groves of north Kerala: The last refuge for biodiversity amongst urbanisation

A new species of shark from studying fish by-catch

Invasive plant species are creeping into Kerala after the floods

Human falciparum malaria parasite detected in Indian monkeys

Linking Kerala floods to anthropogenic climate change ‘difficult’, finds a study

Kerala coast contains ecologically and socio-economically most vulnerable stretches

Kerala first state to act on antibiotic immunity, a public health crisis

[Interview] Kerala agriculture minister: Organic and natural farming will give farmers self reliance and climate resilience

Latest draft notification is another step in the ongoing journey to protect the Western Ghats

Villages vanish in this coastal district of Kerala as they succumb to sand mining

[Commentary] Understanding extreme weather events through attribution analysis

Higher average temperatures linked to chikungunya risk in India

CWC report on Kerala floods: Dams not to be blamed

Leptospirosis outbreak causes concern in Kerala after the floods

Kerala landslides: GSI advocates land use and zoning regulations

Less firewood at home means better health for the family

[Commentary] Kerala floods: Time for introspection and amends as water recedes

Kerala floods: The ghost of past environment policy returns

Sundarbans mangroves harbour antibiotic resistant bacteria

A tiny new fish discovered in a secluded stream in the Western Ghats