Technology and conservation News

38 stories

Drones take wildlife conservation to new heights

Seagrass mapping helps identify restoration potential

Conservation drones need to overcome some takeoff troubles

Innovative air-to-water tech using liquid desiccant makes affordable, renewable water

A Ladakhi podcast spurs conversations about wildlife and conservation

Tagging crocodiles with satellite transmitters

A new web tool offers ways to trace where illegal lion parts come from

India gears to use eDNA to identify, track wildlife

Pythons return home, slowly but surely, finds a new study

There is more to radio collaring than cheetah deaths

Cheetahs introduced in Kuno National Park struggle with humidity and weather conditions

Privacy concerns rise as wildlife surveillance tech ‘watches’ people

Warming water and pollution amplify fish mortality in Kerala during summer

Assam loco pilots on the need for effective communication to prevent elephant-rail collision

Identifying individual mugger crocodiles using drone technology to minimise conflicts

Mumbai activists demand that the tree geo-tagging information be made public

A dose of eco-optimism: Stories of hope and inspiration in 2019

Keeping the Mahatma’s light shining

How a community radio gives voice to the climate-vulnerable in Tamil Nadu

A social venture on the road to improve lives, reduce emissions with electric rickshaws