Conservation News

451 stories

Conservation by eliminating human presence is a flawed construct: study

Protecting a forest on a hill in Imphal

Hangul population increases marginally in latest census

Unpacking how cyclones impact mangroves’ ability to soak up carbon dioxide

[Commentary] Bridge the North-South divide for a more just UN Biodiversity Framework

Worshipping Waghoba: Faith meets conservation in Maharashtra where humans and leopards share space

The absence of captive elephants in Madhya Pradesh is impacting tiger conservation

Environmentalists concerned over easy clearances for Bengaluru’s real estate

Mangar, on the outskirts of New Delhi, looks to its past to protect its future

Study examines wildlife-friendly land use for conservation beyond Nagarahole and Bandipur national parks

Maharashtra’s first endemic tree rediscovered after 180 years at Harishchandragad hill

To escape floodwaters, Kaziranga’s large herbivores risk moving through human-dominated spaces: study

Clean tap water mission in Puri hopes to replenish groundwater

Blue whale songs recorded off Lakshadweep coast

All three tiger reserves of Chhattisgarh now in Maoist territory

Rajasthan’s orans and bustards under threat from green energy infrastructure

Uncertain future for elephants of northern Andhra Pradesh

Mass deaths of birds in Faridkot linked to use of chemicals on fruit trees

Incentivising landowners around Pench to engage in agroforestry for conservation

Impact of armed conflicts on wildlife underestimated: study