Roads News

30 stories

The road to road resilience is paved with mindful construction and design say experts

A new handbook recommends how to avoid elephant deaths on roads, rail tracks

Roadkill instances in Jammu and Kashmir increase as highways lengthen

A road for a port cuts through the livelihoods of fisherwomen in Uttara Kannada

Nepal and India’s infrastructure rules are “wildlife-friendly,” but not for birds

Films that offer a space for discussion on complex environmental issues

Path of destruction: Road to Anjaneri hilltop could threaten fragile rocky outcrop ecosystem

Green Highways Mission remains halted despite a green light

Linear infrastructure severely affects large forest patches in India, finds study

Karnataka government okays rail line in the Western Ghats

India’s proposed overhaul of environment clearance rules could dilute existing regulations

Forest land identified for development after reorganisation of Jammu and Kashmir

High rate of green clearances continue, puts forests and wildlife at risk

Much ado about a highway

Badly designed highways splinter Goa’s waterways, disrupting local hydrology

Can humans and elephants cohabit in Kodagu?

Mumbai’s fishers relieved after courts pause the coastal road project

Indo-Nepal Border Road rides roughshod on Uttar Pradesh wildlife habitat

Infrastructure and environment battle it out in the maximum city

Roads versus wildlife in Karnataka’s protected areas