Protected areas News

184 stories

Otter sighting in Andhra bird sanctuary raises excitement but also questions

Attappady residents fear more restrictions with eco-sensitive areas and zones

Great Nicobar’s protected areas to get near-zero eco-sensitive zones for “holistic development”

Cropland takes up 6% of global protected areas: study

When tigers, elephants, rhinos visit an expanding Indian town

Scientific survey maps 73 snow leopards in Himachal Pradesh

[Commentary] Decade of biodiversity saved from bio-travesty?

[Interview] ‘There is so much you can do in the forest service’, says IFS Vanjulavalli Sridhar

India’s SOP to deal with feral and stray dogs in tiger reserves lacks the bite

Cyclones brought relief to migratory birds in parched Tamil Nadu but more action is needed

Editor’s review of 2020: Virus, controversies, wildlife, transitions and wetlands

Environment ministry defers clearance to dam in M.P., part of Ken-Betwa interlinking project

The elongated tortoise battles habitat loss and fire in its leaf litter home

How dams affect the gene flow of golden mahseer in the Himalayas

The tigers that live in a thermal power plant

Resettlement is a voluntary option for families in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

Uttarakhand’s draft ecotourism policy could threaten biodiversity

Can elephants be ‘restricted’ to forests?

[Commentary] Tigers, tourists and pilgrims: The ecological impact of pilgrimage sites in protected areas

States propose minimal eco-sensitive zones around protected areas