Environment News

128 stories

In Arunachal’s Sessa Orchid Sanctuary communities collaborate with forest officials to conserve orchids

Aadhimalai, winner of UN Equator Prize from Nilgiris, offers a lesson in indigenous economics

Forests of faith face encroachments and invasive species in Punjab

Planted forests can tackle flood and erosion impacts along the Brahmaputra

An indigenous community in Meghalaya offers lessons in climate resilience

Films that offer a space for discussion on complex environmental issues

Tea plantations support biodiversity when managed agroecologically

Lower species richness in deforested landscapes tied to high Kyasanur forest disease risk: study

Soil in Kerala’s monoculture plantations less healthy, productive than natural forests: study

Soils from city parks are important hotspots of microbial diversity: study

All three tiger reserves of Chhattisgarh now in Maoist territory

IPCC report warns India likely to see more extreme weather events

[Commentary] We know the problem of alien invasive species, but are we doing enough to solve it?

Incentivising landowners around Pench to engage in agroforestry for conservation

[Commentary] Nature-based solutions hold the key to transform our cities into resilient spaces

Harnessing the unrealised potential of agroforestry in curbing climate change in India

Two lakh trees and water security at stake in Buxwaha’s Bunder diamond mining project

Cyclone Tauktae exposes vulnerabilities along India’s west coast

Indian “Green Oscar” winner Nuklu Phom envisions a Biodiversity Peace Corridor

A wake-up jolt? Assam’s 6.4 quake exposes its vulnerabilities