Biodiversity News

541 stories

Caught between exploitation and extremes, Western Ghats’ future hinges on local action

Indian taxonomist forays into the uncharted waters of meiofauna

New study proposes roadmap to conserve the clouded leopard

New tarantulas described from the Western Ghats

Government eyes recognising non-protected conservation areas to meet biodiversity goals

Teething troubles or conservation challenges at India’s latest tiger reserve?

[Commentary] Community-based conservation can help achieve 30×30 biodiversity target

Farms, fields threaten frogs in lateritic plateaus

[Commentary] Rooted in art and science, “natural history” carries a legacy of evolution

How a smoked fish tradition sustains an ethnic group in Bhutan

[Book review] Ancient giants make for great stories

With local support, a tributary comes to life 

Indigenous leaders assess outcomes on equity at biodiversity COP

Conserving India’s biodiversity will cost Rs. 816 billion per year, says new plan

Saving South Asia’s butterflies from the threat of extinction

[Commentary] Why black wolves matter

Finance issue pushing countries into ‘two opposing camps’ at biodiversity COP

Dissonance over DSI dominates biodiversity COP

Weeds of change

India’s disappearing wetlands are an early warning sign of drastic biodiversity loss