Birds News

158 stories

Nepal and India’s infrastructure rules are “wildlife-friendly,” but not for birds

‘Delhi is a gaping wound…we’re a tiny Band Aid’: a film explores human and non-human relations in Delhi

A bird sanctuary’s survival is being threatened in Uttar Pradesh

Nepal, India need robust conservation policies for farmland birds outside protected areas

Expansion of windmills in Kachchh impact unique thorn forest and wildlife

Geotagging to monitor vultures in MP’s Panna Tiger Reserve

As the climate crisis deepens, Indian scientists call for the conservation of caves

Nepal’s first bird sanctuary could be a new attraction for Indian tourists

Plantation on a barren hillock in West Bengal stops erosion, attracts birds

A call for help from the Western Ghats

[Book Review] An introduction to birding can build a lifelong interest in the natural world

Artificial nests for barn owls help farmers befriend these natural rodent killers

New study traces the evolution of South Asia’s bulbuls to other parts of Asia and even Africa

Human disturbance alters parasite communities, increases infectious disease: study

Rajasthan’s orans and bustards under threat from green energy infrastructure

Mass deaths of birds in Faridkot linked to use of chemicals on fruit trees

How a village in Maharashtra is helping vultures make a big comeback

Ladakh pitches for a new state bird and animal after getting union territory status

Excitement of Himalayan pheasant sighting dulled by potential threats to the bird

Haryana’s first community reserve, ancient Brahma Sarovar pond, awaits restoration